Rosemary Nods Upon The Grave

Photo Credit 📷 : @elizabethsechochamber

Savannah, Georgia is one of the most haunted places in America. It’s a city with a potent history, often filled with dark and horrific moments that earmark many ancient cities on this countries stolen land. It’s only fitting that a band like Rosemary Nods Upon The Grave would hail from the same place. This weeks New Music Monday sees the world premiere of the bands first ever recorded song, “I Remember Halloween”.

Opening with chords pulled from a mid-aughts GarageBand crafted screamo demo , rosemary kicks off straight into a winding riff and throaty shouted screams, it kicks forward like an extinction burst through paired shouts, syncopated drumming and windy, chuggy riffs. There’s a specter of hope that seems to be the through line here, yet it feels hopelessly bound to a house of despondency, of a painful lived experienced that still elicits a wince when remembered. Then suddenly the middle bridge caves into a colossal choral symphony of screams, shouts, riffs and bass, a begging of aural banishment, some desire to move on perhaps finally coming to fruition before al closing out to quiet.

The visceral nature of the bands sound can’t help but make me excited for what the band may have in store for us. But even more so, the narrative that seems to be slowly wheeled out, could lead us to a newer wave of bands reinvigorating this particular type of screamo. And well, that’d be just alright by me. We look forward to what the band will release next.

Follow them on Bandcamp : rosemary nods upon the grave

Writer : @letsgetpivotal

Editor : @just_reidz



Split Silk

