At a very young age an angry child was introduced to punk rock and other various heavier genres of music and he became instantly obsessed with discovering as much music as he could get his hands on, which began consuming the majority of his life. As many of us have been told, this music and our love for it was "just a phase", teachers, authority figures and plenty of adults said you’d "grow out of it" as you got older.
Well for those of us who practiced moshing or screaming in their living rooms at a young age (or yesterday, whatever, no judgments here) this blog is for you! A place where we can discuss punk music genres with the bands, labels and fans of the music that we still hold dear to our hearts.
Not Just A Phase was founded by Rob and initially established as a hive mind collective that assembled in early 2020. Originally consisting of three friends, Rob, Dalton & Fernando as the original members of the brand, then later expanding the cult with Sammy, Vicky, Dan, Elias, Belle, Brittany, Cian, Pedro, Lucas, Andy, David, Tom, Nick, Austin & Gary. We discuss and share DIY music with anyone who’s willing to listen. Often sharing our podcast mic with special guests and always expanding the team & brand.
For you, for me, for the people who make this possible and keep these sounds alive it is a lifestyle and a never ending passion; this is