Foxglove self titled EP is the first release from the emoviolence side project of Chance Smith (vocals/ guitar) and Benji Bennis (drums) of Kerosene Heights.

This four song EP lyrically deals with the pitfalls of living in fear and guilt through the eyes of a heroin addict. It pulls from personal experiences that play out into a hypothetical outcome. The first song (firefly pt 1) introduces a newly sober person struggling with the burdens of their past and follows them through the spiral that ultimately leads to their overdose. The north Caronlina duo have stated that this 6 minute run time serves as a metaphor for how quickly someone can make a wrong & life altering decision.

The first twelve seconds of this EP set the mood of a dark uncertainty for mere moments before a sonic whiplash of trempicked octave scales and chords being bent in distress underneath the weight of Chance’s strained vocals “firefly eyes, serve me your sentence, nowhere left to hide, bury me alive, well I guess, somethings don’t change” ending with a melodic breakdown after the last lyric is screamed out in mourning “I won’t forget you”. The song drowns out into a muddy wall of distortion and noise seamlessly leading into firefly pt 2. A heavily distorted bass line cuts through the wall of noise with a slow & eerie walk, a stomp pattern creeps up from the drums alongside it with an unclear vocal ramble in the background establishing a foundation that will be rived just as quickly as it was built.

All great screamo acts have mastered the art of the dynamic switch from calm and slower arrangements to recklessly divebomb into belligerent speeds and Foxglove have that down to a science. Taking inspiration from the forefathers of the genre like Orchid, Saetia, Beau Navire, Reversal of Man, and Loma Prieta, Foxglove wear their inspirations on their sleeves but keep their message short and sweet with robust and hostile energy.

The entire EP barely reaches over 6 minutes, giving a nod to some aspects of the emoviolence style they’ve incorporated into their sound by maintaining their sonic offence with an assortment of blast beats, trem picking, short song lengths and packing in as many notes as possible, they’re not slowing down long enough for anyone to catch their breath. Simply put, this EP will rip through you and leave you wanting more.

Benji and Chance were kind enough to let us premiere this side project so it’s with great pleasure we present to you the Foxglove EP and what I hope will be the first of many flawless releases.

Checkout their bandcamp here: Foxglove

Writer : @just_reidz

Editor : @just_reidz



Boy Talk

